Kelly LaForest

Microsoft Office 365 blog by a OneNote MVP.

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Will Paragraph Links in OneNote Break if the Paragraph Text Is Moved?

In June 2014, I posted a blog posted about “Microsoft OneNote – The Magic of the “Copy Link to Paragraph” button“, and had a few unanswered questions I wanted to explore. I recently answered one of my questions here: Will Paragraph Links in OneNote Break if the Paragraph Text Is Changed? Here’s the results of …

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Will Paragraph Links in OneNote Break if the Paragraph Text Is Changed?

In June 2014, I posted a blog posted about “Microsoft OneNote – The Magic of the “Copy Link to Paragraph” button“. That blog post was written about OneNote 2013, so I should take a moment to comment on the OneNote App and OneNote Online. Available in the OneNote App: “Copy Link to Page”, “Copy Link …

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Apply or Remove Numbered List to Text in OneNote Using Keyboard Shortcut

Back in October 2015, I started a series of blog posts about keyboard shortcuts in OneNote – including “Apply Styles to Text in OneNote Using Keyboard Shortcut“. Since writing those posts, I’ve discovered a new more great keyboard shortcuts that I’m now using in OneNote every single day. Here’s my latest – the keystrokes to apply …

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Apply or Remove Bulleted List to Text in OneNote Using Keyboard Shortcut

My new favourite quick tip in OneNote How to apply or remove bulleted list formatting to text in a OneNote Note using a keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Period Check it out: Before:   Keyboard Shortcut:   After: What I love most about this keyboard shortcut is that it works in OneNote 2013, in OneNote 2016, in the OneNote …

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Useful Custom Tag for To Do Lists in OneNote

I would say the To Do tag in OneNote is an integral feature to all users of OneNote – business users, home consumers, and in education (students/teachers). Custom tags are not available in the OneNote App or in OneNote Online. (I look forward to this functionality being added – hopefully in the near future. Time will …

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Custom OneNote Tags

On Facebook, the Microsoft OneNote Team  asked “Which tag do you use most?” My response was : “To Do tag – hands down the most, but I <3 [love] my custom ones too.” They then asked me “What custom ones do you use?” Instead of writing them out I’ve decided to post a screenshot of my current custom tag …

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Tell Me You What to Do Field in OneNote Online

As I continue to explore versions of OneNote other than OneNote 2016 (2013), I’ve come across another feature that makes using the browser version of OneNote much easier to learn without considerable effort. The “Tell Me You What to Do” field in OneNote Online allows the user to see a list of suggested functions to try. …

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Advanced Settings for Password Protecting Information in OneNote 2016

If you are interested in using the Password functionality in OneNote 2016 (or 2013), here is a handy tip to change settings from the ribbon: To quickly access OneNote’s “Advanced Options”, you can: Click the Review Tab Click on the Password button Click on the “Password Options…” text at the very bottom of the Passwords Pane. …

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Password Protecting Information in OneNote 2016

In OneNote 2016, you can password protect a section in a Notebook. You’ll find the button in the Review Tab of the Ribbon, which is an odd spot to put it if you ask me. I’m often forgetting where it is. (I always think the button is located under the View Tab as in what …

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Grow, Shrink, Scale, and Crop an Image with OneNote Online

Most of my posts focus on OneNote 2016 (or 2013) because it is the full-featured, but it is time to explore some of the other options for using OneNote, such as the browser version, OneNote Online, as well as the OneNote App. Many may question my logic as there is still a lot more to …

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