Karin Skapski

Modern workplace technology and productivity insights.

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Azure PIM – Access Denied for the SharePoint Admin Center

Are you getting an Access Denied error when you navigate to the SharePoint admin center after activating an admin role via Azure Privileged Identity Management (PIM)? The following steps fixed the error for me: This approach assumes that the user who is granted admin permissions through Azure PIM gets an Access Denied error due to …

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How To: Change the Color in the Sharepoint Online Modern Experience

2018 Note: A lot has changed in the SharePoint Online modern experience since I wrote this post a year ago. Though some of this information may still help you, there are now better ways to brand modern sites; this post by Corrie Haffly is a great resource, as well as this video from Yaroslav Pentsarskyy. I’d love if …

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How To: Properly Remove Images from WordPress Pages and Posts

Have you ever been in a situation where you deleted an image in the WordPress editor, but the image itself still indicates that it is linked to a page or post? Keep reading if you want to learn how to properly remove images from WordPress pages and posts! Scenario: You’re updating a website or blog through …

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How To: Customize Your Ribbon and Keyboard Shortcuts in MS Word

The Ribbon is the name for that fancy menu you see at the top of your Microsoft Office programs. It lets you easily navigate around the many features that Office has to offer. Did you know that you can customize the ribbon? You can even add some custom keyboard shortcuts while you’re at it. I’m …

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LayerSlider WP Text Not Showing Up?

I came across this issue when working with LayerSlider WP Version 5.5.1. Firstly, the option “Enter Preview” you can click on when editing the slider doesn’t actually give you an accurate idea of what the slider will look like on your page. If you’re not super technical, troubleshooting can be a pain. LayerSlider WP text …

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CrossBrowserTesting Screenshots for Password Protected Pages Without a Username

We use a tool called CrossBrowserTesting here at itgroove to verify that our websites are responsive. They have a Screenshots option where the tool will crawl through your site and take screenshots of it from all your desired resolutions, devices, and browsers. It’s pretty awesome. In some scenarios, we’ve had to password protect some WordPress …

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Excel for Beginners: Why Use It? + Tips & Tricks

This blog post is aimed at Microsoft Excel beginners, and will leave you feeling confident about what Excel is used for, with a few tricks up your sleeve to boot. What is Microsoft Excel? Excel is a program created for spreadsheets which contain data. Data can be numbers or text. Microsoft Excel is the tool …

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