Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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Holy Cow! Non-profits get donations of Office 365

Good on ya Microsoft! Depending on the size, a non-profit can get the services for free (typically suited for smaller size), or get a discounted upgrade (typically suited for larger size).  This is big news, for sure!

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Nintex Mobile 1.1.1 update out–yay, I can attach photos again!

While I was excited that Nintex Mobile 1.1 came out, I was not so enthralled that I could no longer update/attach photos to my offline, electronic forms.  Alas, after submitting a bug last week (that apparently they were already working on), I was tipped off that an update would be out soon and would address …

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Nintex Mobile 1.1 Released

Nintex Mobile 1.1 is out.  New functionality keeps arriving. I’m liking this agile stuff.  Bring on the GPS/Photo positioning and we have a game changer. Enhancements Include A new restyled layout optimized for iPad Forget me functionality on sign out Option to sync items when on a WiFi network only Visualization of non-blocking error messages …

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Content Types and Office 365

  I was wondering today about Content Types and Office 365.  Do I get a Content Type Hub?  How do I find it? As our staff BBQ is about to start, I’m taking the lazy Q/A approach to knock this post out… have a great weekend folks. The Dealio about Content Type Hubs in Office …

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Nintex Mobile has already received an update in the App Store

If you have an iPhone/iPad and you have been playing with Nintex Mobile, you may have discovered that you were unable to connect to your SharePoint sites.  One bug was that Nintex Mobile would tell you your username or password was invalid (When in fact it was just fine).  This build (1.0.2) addresses that, among …

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And with that, there was 3

It was like Christmas today at itgroove and we weren’t even open (Canada Day, eh?). First the new and improved OneNote and then immediately followed by news that Colin Phillips and Keith Tuomi on our fantastic SharePoint Team were both nominated and awarded the coveted SharePoint MVP from Microsoft. This is no small accomplishment and …

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Canada Day Present–New OneNote 2.0 for iPad released

Kick Ass and Happy Canada Day, eh? I woke up, the sun was shining, birds were tweeting (can we use that term about birds still?) and low and behold, my iPad and iPhone App stores were telling me I had a new present waiting for me. Yep, OneNote for iPad/iPhone (and Android) has received a …

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SkyDrive Pro now available for Windows 8 and iOS

Man, Microsoft has been adding new stuff lately like a summbitch.  Today they announced the availability (as usual, there seems to be a 4 day or so Canadian time delay in the Apple App Store… must be all the beer) of SkyDrive Pro Apps for Windows 8 and the Apple Stuff.  This is not to …

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