Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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Need help with software licensing? Read on…

I have been asked by some friends at Microsoft Canada to post this article (and a few others). – Sean Figuring out which software licensing options best suit your needs while being cost-effective can be confusing. Some businesses end up making their purchases through retail stores which means they miss out on volume licensing opportunities …

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A simple approach to writing a helpful technical blog post

I like to help out where I can. And I’m not going to pretend I invented the following method, though I did borrow it from a course I took about 8 years ago that had nothing to do with blogging or technical writing/sharing.  I actually spent a minute trying to google, er, bing where the …

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Thanks Summer. An outsider looking in

Thanks to our friend Summer.  She summarized a conversation we had a little while back and it was worthy of sharing I think. Combining mastery in Microsoft technologies and a consistent focus on customer services, itgroove professionals deliver straightforward advice and IT solutions to small and mid-sized businesses since 2006. Every new client relationship begins …

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Captain Dahl–Master and Commander

I’m looking forward to seeing what master Dahl (Jeremy Dahl, our latest addition) will bring to his technology blog.  It just came online yesterday, so it may take a moment for him to get past the cosmetics and get down to the nitty and the gritty and flourish with content – but I have no …

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What Makes an IT Provider Great?

What Makes an IT Provider Great? That’s a question we ask ourselves at itgroove pretty frequently, so that we can live up to those standards and even exceed them. Based on what our clients tell us, here are a few of the traits of a really wonderful outsourced IT partner: They’re always accessible. You probably …

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4 Things to Look for in a SharePoint Consultant

Where do you first look for an outsourced IT/SharePoint provider? That’s a question a lot of business owners and managers don’t know how to answer, and it’s not their fault. After all, if you don’t know a great deal about technology – and why should you, when you have a company to run? – Then …

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