What Makes an IT Provider Great?

What Makes an IT Provider Great?

That’s a question we ask ourselves at itgroove pretty frequently, so that we can live up to those standards and even exceed them. Based on what our clients tell us, here are a few of the traits of a really wonderful outsourced IT partner:

They’re always accessible.

You probably don’t think about your company’s technology all that often, but when there is a problem, you want help, answers and service right away. That’s understandable, and important for preserving the health of your company. Don’t settle for an outsourced IT partner that doesn’t respond quickly and plan proactively.

Their billing is clear and transparent.

You should always have a good idea of what you’re going to be paying your technology partner, along with a clear sense of what exactly you are getting for your investment. Going without either of those things tells you that you have at least one of two problems: Either your IT provider isn’t being upfront about what they’re charging you, or your account manager hasn’t adequately explained your service plan. A great technology partner won’t leave you guessing on either of these.

You barely even notice they’re there, because your systems are always working.

It’s ironic, but some of the best IT support is actually pretty invisible. Why? Because a good technology firm works proactively to keep your hardware and software writing at its best. As a result, you might not even notice what they’re doing – you just know that everything keeps working the way it’s supposed to. In that sense, not knowing what your IT provider has been up to is a great problem to have.

They understand your business, and your goals.

Great IT support isn’t just about keeping your technology online and secure… a big part of it also involves understanding where your business is going so that your IT provider can make recommendations based on your vision, not to mention the bottom line. To make that happen, your IT firm needs to get to know you in a way that goes beyond what kinds of computer hardware and software you have, or what your communications needs are like. Truly great IT is as much about planning, strategy, and consultation as it is fixing problems.

Of course, there are other things that can make an IT provider great, too, but finding a company (like ours, we hope) that offers each of these can put your business on better footing and your mind at ease. When it comes to technology support, good is never good enough, so make sure you find an IT provider that’s great.

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