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itgroove’s Kelly Marshall guest hosts Tech Talk on CFAX 1070

Kelly Marshall of itgroove was invited to guest host last Saturday’s episode of CFAX 1070’s show, Tech Talk with Alan Perry. Along with Windows Phone guru, Joel Rushworth, they covered a variety of tech-related topics, including: Tablet “low battery” scams Deals on cellphone data plans for the US Helping people attach video files to email …

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MVPs Heading Out Summit 2015

The four itgroove Microsoft MVPs are once again hitting the road to sharpen their skills at the Microsoft MVP Global Summit 2015 at Microsoft Campus in Bellevue, Washington. Sean Wallbridge, Colin Phillips, Robert Dick, and Kelly Marshall will all be out of the office (and the country) for four days from Monday, November 2nd to Thursday, November 5th, …

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Good People Are Hard To Find

Hello there! As summer is winding down, I have been reflecting on the past few months. Sean and I had our itgroove summer bbq party at the house in July, and right at the end of the evening, our son cut his hand very badly on a glass door. As much as it was an …

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Key Ring

I have discovered something that I’m sure has been out for ages and everyone else knows about it, but I’ll tell you anyway…. A few weeks ago I was standing at the counter of a store that I go to quite often and practically dumping my purse upside down looking for their store card that …

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More Than Meets the Eye…

Okay, I am the first to admit it – I am not a lover of most technology. I like simple things. Full disclosure: if I had to choose another era to live in it would be the 1950’s, I miss the days of one remote control for the TV, I hate the sound my cellphone …

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Have iBook Will Travel

Recently the family and I went on vacation for a few weeks. I brought one hard cover book and one book on my iPad. I didn’t think for a second I would end up using my iPad. Even though I don’t read as often as I like, I love holding a book and feeling the …

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Faxes, Schmaxes!

I need to tell you about my nemesis for the past 10 years. I will call him Roger because it’s a good idea to give your enemies a name. Roger is a fax machine. When we first moved back to Victoria in 2003, we got a new phone number. Whoever had the number before us …

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Youth and Technology

I went with my son on a field trip to the Parliament Buildings today. It was very cool – I’ve never been in all the years I’ve lived in Victoria. It was neat to see how interested the kids were and to hear the questions they were asking. Also, I couldn’t help but notice how …

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Well, Christmas is almost here and today I went to the museum on a field trip with my son. I was in the section where you can see trends from the different decades and lo and behold, in the 80’s display there was a huge computer! I completely forgot that my mom surprised us all …

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Pay It Forward!

Are you sitting around your house wondering what to do with yourself this December? How about logging onto the itgroove Facebook page and having a look at our Pay It Forward Advent Calendar?! That’s right, 25 ideas of how to brighten someone’s day. Whenever I think of a good deed that someone has done …

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