Kelly LaForest

Microsoft Office 365 blog by a OneNote MVP.

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Leave a Breadcrumb Trail When You Move or Delete a OneNote Notebook

Today I deleted a OneNote Notebook that was no longer being used. It was sitting in the SharePoint library empty for many months with a hyperlink to the location where the information was now being stored. Around the itgroove office, we consider it a huge faux pas to not take the time to point others to where to find …

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Create Alert for All Users in a SharePoint Group

Fact: You can’t set up an alert for a SharePoint Group in SharePoint 2010 or SharePoint 2013. And for many that’s a great thing, as they dread the thought of more emails flooding their inboxes. But there are times, especially during the early days of rolling out an implementation or a new feature where notifications …

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SharePoint Permissions – What You Cannot Do

During a collaborative consulting session today I walked a SharePoint Site Owner through the steps to edit the page of a Document Library. The purpose was to add a Content Editor web part to the top of the page so she could add a couple sentences of instructions to reduce any confusion her non-technical end users might have. We compared this method to adding Web Parts to …

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How to Use Internet Explorer

Trying to perform a quick troubleshooting session for a colleague or a client, but you’re logged in with credentials in Internet Explorer browser? Logging in and out takes time you don’t need to waste. Other people end up unable to log out of SharePoint or Office 365 as the cache has remembered their login creds and they are essentially “stuck”. …

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Using Open With Explorer in SharePoint

Many new SharePoint users lament the loss of their network or shared drive. The comfort and familiarity of storing files in a folder structure is hard to let go of… especially for those who don’t have the benefits of drag-and-drop that comes with SharePoint 2013 (as they are either on an old version of SharePoint or stuck on an out-of-date version …

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Keyboard Shortcuts for Navigating Windows Explorer

Over the last year, I have finally freed my mind from the rigid shackles of folder structure – thanks to the mind-expanding magic of metadata. I have also discovered a new hobby – exploring the various rabbit holes of endless folders in our legacy SharePoint site via Windows Explorer. I treat my explorations like detective work – wandering through …

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What is Windows Explorer and Why Does It Matter?

When I mention using “Windows Explorer” in class, I often find myself in a sea of blank looks or furrowed brows, particularly by information workers or management who are not fluent in the language of computers. For those that speak geek,  this description makes perfect sense: For those that don’t, here’s my attempt to explain to explain what the heck I’m talking about, …

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Public Shamings Increase Adoption of Paperless Office Culture

Today my boss came by my desk and ripped my paper phone extension list off the wall of my cubical. Fear gripped me as I could not process how I would be able to get by without it. I can barely remember my families’ phone numbers let alone memorize this information that I only use once in a while. Ultimately Sean is correct. …

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How to Insert an Image Map into Your SharePoint Web Page

First, are you ready to insert an Image Map into your SharePoint web page? Do you have a graphic? No? Follow the instructions here: How to Convert a Smart Art Object into a Graphic Yes?  Carry on. Have you created a piece of code that will convert that graphic into a clickable graphic using Image …

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How to Create Clickable Graphics With Image Maps Without a Subscription

Recently a client asked: “Do you know if there is a way around having to register with Do they have a free version that you are aware of?” Fortunately, there is a way to create functioning Image Maps with no account required.This workaround adds seven extra steps to the process so it’s up to you to …

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