Kelly LaForest

Microsoft Office 365 blog by a OneNote MVP.

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How to Fix the Cannot Save as Draft Issue with a SharePoint Blog Site

I was recently working with someone who wanted an overview of SharePoint Blog Sites. We setup the SharePoint Blog Site in our sandbox site collection (where I was acting as Site Collection Administrator and they were acting as Full Control Site Owner). We quickly noticed that the “Save as Draft” button was disabled. While I am the …

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List of SharePoint Resources

I was recently asked by a fellow Victoria Office 365 Users Group member: “Can you recommend a forum where I can go for questions in regard to SharePoint functionality?” My response was:  When I am seeking answers about SharePoint, these are the publicly accessible sites and forums that I visit: Microsoft SharePoint Support Microsoft SharePoint …

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How to Fix the Broken Filter Pane in SharePoint Online

(Quick Fix Answer: Clear the Browsing Data manually.) What Happened: I broke the Broken Filter Pane in SharePoint Online. I was resizing the Filter Pane and when dragging it to the right of the screen I dragged past the vertical scroll bar. At first I could retrieve the Pane by waiting until the cursor turned into a …

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Using the Filter Pane in a Modern SharePoint Library in SharePoint Online

I’ve been using the new modern SharePoint library experience in Microsoft SharePoint Online for some time now. However every now and then I stumble across a button I haven’t used before in this new experience. These are not new buttons… I haven’t found a reason to use the function until I seek them out. For example, I was …

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How to Open or Save As a File to a SharePoint Location from Word 2016

When you’ve been working with SharePoint for a number of years, some tips and tricks become ingrained and second-nature. I was reminded of one example at a coaching session this week: We are working with a client that is transitioning to OneDrive for Business and SharePoint Online from Dropbox for storing files. Some staff wanted …

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My Top Takeaways from Microsoft’s “The Future of SharePoint” Event

After attending Microsoft’s “The Future of SharePoint” Event last week, I needed a few days to process all the exciting announcements they shared with us. Although I could certainly write a short novella of everything they discussed, I’ve decided to organize my first impressions into a bullet point list. I also decided to only focus on announcements …

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Key Resources from Microsoft’s “The Future of SharePoint” Event

Yep, I haven’t posted in a loooong while. I also haven’t been *this* excited about a Microsoft announcement until now. We attended the webcast of Microsoft’s “The Future of SharePoint” live event. I’ll save a summary of my first impressions and *gasp* worthy moments for later day, but for now I want to share two useful …

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Button to Post Document Link to Yammer from SharePoint Online

Have you ever clicked on the “Post” button in SharePoint Online? While hunting for a “there’s gotta be a faster way” solution to co-worker Sean Wallbridge’s “Copy Shortcut – Gonzo in SharePoint Online!” blog post, I spotted a “new” (to me) button that we suspect has been around for quite some time in SharePoint Online. I was pleased after …

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How to Open a Link in a New Tab in Any Internet Browser

One of the students at a recent SharePoint class I delivered, asked: “Where is the setting to have links in a SharePoint Links list open in a new tab?” Great question! I thought there had to be a checkbox or radio button setting tucked away in Advanced Settings. I poked around, eventually giving up, and asking my SharePoint …

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