Kelly LaForest

Microsoft Office 365 blog by a OneNote MVP.

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Android Phone Users Can Add and Edit Contacts in Outlook App

Well it took a long time, but the feature I’ve been wishing for over two years is finally here. Android phone users can finally add new contacts and edit existing contacts in the Outlook App without issue! If you own an Android Phone and use the Outlook App for email, contacts, and calendars, you may …

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Get to Inbox Zero Using Schedule Email Feature in Outlook

There’s no better feeling than reaching inbox zero. I easily get overloaded and distracted by visual clutter. Tools like Wunderlist help me extract the to-do task I need to remember from an email and schedule it for the due date. But there are times when I see an email arrive in my Outlook inbox, and …

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When the Smiley Face Symbol Auto-Corrects to a Square in Outlook 2016

**** [NOTE: Two updates have been made to the middle and bottom of this post to help readers resolve their issue faster. We are helping many people resolve their smiley face symbol autocorrects to square] **** A client recently came across an odd situation and I thought I’d share some ideas for solutions if this …

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How to Remove Table Formatting in Excel 2016

When using Excel today, I hit a roadblock and found a solution that I want to share. Here’s some back story to give it context: The Back Story: Our General Manager, Darren, asked me to track down the Excel workbook we used last year to determine which clients receive Christmas Cards and then create a mail merge to print labels with their addresses to use on the card …

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Why I’m Using an Excel 2016 Spreadsheet to Manage Data

As I have only blogged about Excel seven times since I created this blog in 2013, I felt the need to give you some context around why I am using it more. Also, I’m going to be using the same spreadsheet in my screenshots, and some of you savvy readers may, be shaking your head …

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How to Set Up Connected Services in Outlook 2016

There’s a new way to attach files stored in SharePoint into an email using Outlook 2016. The first step is to make sure Outlook is connected to SharePoint so the two systems can talk to each other. Here’s how: How to Set Up Connected Services in Outlook 2016: Step 1: Open Outlook 2016. Step 2: Click on …

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How to Retrieve Emails in an Outlook Folder Stored on Server

How to fix the “There are more items in this folder on the server” issue in a folder in Outlook 2016 and get access to your emails. What: Certain folders would give me the following message: “There are more items in this folder on the server“. There was no link or button (that I could …

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How to See All Appointments in Calendar in Outlook 2013

The other day I was working in my Outlook 2013 calendar and noticed an icon I had never noticed before. Time to investigate! The upward facing arrow was not always visible in the top right corner of the day. It had only appeared after I had minimized the program screen and had scrolled down to the …

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