Kelly LaForest

Microsoft Office 365 blog by a OneNote MVP.

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Microsoft Dynamics CRM – Changing Multiple Records in 2013

Making an edit to multiple items in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 is referred to as “changing multiple records”. The process is simple enough. (For this example, we’ll make a chance to a batch of tasks.) 1. Select the tasks you want to apply the edit to. You can select all of the tasks by clicking …

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Recently Viewed Items Two Clicks Away with Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Fall ’13

A clear example of Microsoft’s commitment to providing the user with ample screen real estate in Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Fall ’13 is illustrated beautifully by how it tucks away functionality. Another new feature that demonstrates this is the ability to see a series of Recently Viewed items with the click of a button. Especially useful for the busy salesperson …

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Quick Customizations Possible with Form Editor Button in Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Fall ’13

My “first impressions” exploration of the new Microsoft’s Dynamics CRM Online Fall ’13 interface revealed a feature I was not expecting. A feature so useful that it set off a full on office outburst. We’re talking about a level of excitement that demanded a hoot and a holler punctuated by a fist pump. All together now!What could possibly be so exciting? Welcome to …

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