Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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SharePoint IRM – Can and Cannot’s

Someone asked and I lifted the content from the source (reference, this isn’t original content – but after taking a moment to bring the key bit to their attention and making it pretty, I might as well cut and paste it here as well…   SharePoint IRM Can and Cannot’s…   IRM = Information …

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How to save an existing site, as a template, to move to another location (with content) and what you need to know

Ok, this is something that comes along once in a while. Problem Site placed in a location the client doesn’t like. While there are better ways (that preserve timestamps, etc.), they are complicated (STSADM) and time consuming (see here for more on STSADM Export/Import – Solution But if the site is small enough, you …

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Tabs in SharePoint – That was easy

Ok, this will be a short blog post as there really is nothing else here I need to add, besides directing folks to Easy Tabs as the fella there (Christophe) has covered all the bases. Great, free tool for SharePoint that allows you to have all web parts in a Web Part Zone appear together …

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SP2010 Diagrams in Visio, PDF and XPS now available

Thanks to Gerry for pointing out that the SharePoint 2010 diagrams have now arrived, for planning, migrating and scaling SharePoint 2010:   And if you didn’t know they existed for MOSS 2007, well then, now you do:  

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Spell Check for WSS

As you may have discovered, WSS 3.0 (Windows SharePoint Services) does not provide a Spell checking capability in lists when you input data. MOSS 2007 does however. So what do the rest of us do with smaller budgets?   I have two suggestions (and if others have more, please comment).   Google Toolbar – yep, …

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How to show the Document Properties Information in the Office Ribbon

This gets asked enough it seemed worthy of a quick blog. I’m a big fan of organizing data by meta information (columns), instead of folders wherever possible. Being able to ‘file’ the document at the time of creation and editing is very valuable and often the ‘Information Panel’ won’t ‘be there’ in Word. So, here’s …

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itgroove – 2010 Predictions for SharePoint and Other Technologies

We’ve had this discussion around the office (at itgroove) and here are our predictions for SharePoint and other technologies in 2010…   Sean Says…   Demand for SharePoint is still on the lower crest of the tidal wave in my opinion. I expect we’ll see even greater demand and momentum in 2010, particularly with the …

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My Prediction for SharePoint in 2010

As posted here as well…–SharePoint-MVPs-Offer-2010-Predictions.aspx   Demand for SharePoint is still on the lower crest of the tidal wave in my opinion. I expect we’ll see even greater demand and momentum in 2010, particularly with the arrival and enthusiasm behind SharePoint 2010. 2007 has been around for some time … yet the convergence of …

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DCPromo’ing a SharePoint Server

Notes: Don’t ask why the SharePoint server is a DC. It is not recommended that a SharePoint Server is a DC, but in some situations we don’t have a choice… Don’t ask why we had to demote and then re-promote the SharePoint server as a DC. You should try to avoid a demotion/promotion of a …

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Create a Blank SharePoint page using a Content Editor Web Part (CEWP)

Warning, this isn’t original blog content. But, I’ve been seeking all the right elements for a while now, after discovering one suggestion for getting rid of the Quick Launch element quickly and easily using a CEWP (blogged about that, here).   Alas, I found what I was looking for here, but I know next time …

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