Spell Check for WSS

As you may have discovered, WSS 3.0 (Windows SharePoint Services) does not provide a Spell checking capability in lists when you input data. MOSS 2007 does however. So what do the rest of us do with smaller budgets?


I have two suggestions (and if others have more, please comment).


  1. Google Toolbar – yep, install that bad boy and you have yourself a spell checker (free, simple, provides other benefits too). Here’s a quick video of using it on a SharePoint site (real short, don’t expect much 🙂 Video Link: http://screencast.com/t/MGE2ZGVjNjE). You can get the Google Toolbar here.

  2. Purchase and download IESpell (www.iespell.com). Can’t say I’ve given it a real road test as Google Toolbar does the job good enough for my blog (free WSS) and I have MOSS corporately, but it looks promising