Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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Installing Office 2007 MODI (OCR Scanning) bits into your Office 2010

I’m filing this under SharePoint because it is relevant to wanting to scan into SharePoint (using say, Dark Blue Duck) and still being able to OCR documents as part of the scan. What Microsoft decided for some reason not to include OCR abilities in Office 2010 (yet had included it in Office 2007). Maybe a …

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If you live in Victoria, BC and are into SharePoint, you should join us

It’s been a while since I’ve reminded the local community so thought I’d take a second and provide a refresher… Every month in Victoria you have an opportunity to learn (for free, with pizza included!) something new about SharePoint.  We are the Victoria SharePoint Users Group – – please consider signing up.  Our next …

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How to edit an existing SharePoint blog post using Microsoft Word

In past posts, I’ve blogged about using Microsoft Word and Windows Live Writer (with its suite or sweet! of add-ins to enhance your blogs) to contribute to a SharePoint blog.  I even recently wrote about blogging to SharePoint from iPads/iPhones and other mobile devices using SharePlus.  Finally, although I wrote it for WSS/MOSS 2007, I …

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Blogging Bliss to SharePoint Blogs from the iPad and iPhone

Blogging on an iPhone or iPad (iOS) to a SharePoint Blog I’ve been meaning to write this post for about 8 months but for one reason or another, I keep forgetting to do it (and once you see how short this post is, you’ll wonder why it took so long, too). Anyways, 8+ months ago …

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Uh Oh, My SharePoint SQL Database Log Files are huge!

It happens often enough in the SMB space that this quick video how to was warranted.  SharePoint uses SQL Server. SQL Server has databases.  Those databases have log files.  Those log files can get quite big if not properly maintained or if backup software doesn’t do its job to inform SQL that the log files …

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SharePoint Expertise @itgroove

Anyone that has worked with SharePoint extensively will tell you it is a giant product, framework on which to build elegant solutions. With that said, no one person can do it all. So at itgroove, we have carved up champions of expertise within the team to make sure we have the right skills, coverage and …

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Simple Dev, UAT/testing and Production Environment Breakdown for the SMB Space

I get asked about this enough that it was worth whipping together a quick diagram to highlight what a small to medium business might want to consider in regards to putting up a SharePoint environment complete with DEV, UAT (Testing) and Production. Obviously every client is different and particularly in the case of Production, every …

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10 SharePoint MVP’s reflect on 2011

Dan Holme asked for a bunch of us to reflect on last year and make some predictions for next year.  The results of his questionnaire can be found here. Responses to the Year in Review include comments from: Radi Atanassov Rob Bogue Geoff Evelyn Jason Himmelstein Debbie Ireland Asif Rehmani Chris Riley Jeremy Thake Sean …

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