Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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Free Exchange ActiveSync tester for iPhone and the iPad

Found this free ActiveSync Testing tool (so you don’t have to blow away your own phone settings to test ActiveSync on behalf of users). Available in the APP Store as: ActiveSync Tester Vendor website: Figure 1 : looks like this and provides some diagnostic info after it attempts to connect

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Outlook 2010 Autocorrect Options greyed out

This is a silly one, but I did run into it at at customer. They had MS Office 2010 Student installed and then they installed a copy of Outlook 2010 after the fact. Apparently if you have two versions of Office 2010 installed (or some Upgrade scenarios) some of the integration tools cannot function. Simple …

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Hideous SharePoint Theme Guide

Thanks to Louis for putting this together. Yes we know this is hideous to look at, but Louis made a custom Theme picture that we thought makes it easier for determining where PowerPoint Office Theme Colours used to customize a SharePoint 2010 theme go. There were several other sources on the web that offer their …

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Email Path – Where can my message get nuked?

Here’s a thread I had recently with a customer about why/how some of their emails weren’t getting to the intended recipient. Unfortunately, no matter what we did, the upstream email recipient’s (the receiver) system was rejecting the message – worse still it wasn’t even telling anyone it was rejecting it (oh thanks!) Anyways, I thought …

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Office 365 is coming

The next version (or renaming) of BPOS, the Microsoft Online Business Suite (SharePoint, Exchange, OCS which is now Lync) is looking pretty shiny. Looks to hit in early 2011 and also encouraging, it looks like Canada won’t be the forgotten stepchild that gets the products and services 6 months later this time.   Details This …

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Benefits of working with itgroove

We spent a little time this week putting together a list of what we believe are the benefits customers get, working with itgroove. You’ll notice we didn’t put things like we’re wicked smart” or “we’re great haxors”. We tried to compile a list of value we provide to a customer, based on our approach to …

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