Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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What are your “Pain Points”? We’d like to help.

itgroove is a business technology solutions provider. We have lots of tools and technology available that can be used to solve any number of business issues. And we have the knowledge and experience to map the solutions out for you, as well as the skills to implement the needed hardware, software and procedures. You have …

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Office Smart Art Crashes–Probably Your Keyboard Layout

I’ve had this situation happen a few times and I don’t notice it right away, but in my case the cause was the same each time (Bootcamp for Windows – yes, I’m currently running Windows on a MAC) but I’ve seen this occur without Bootcamp as well. The Problem Whenever you try to edit text …

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Outlook 2010 Autocorrect Options greyed out

This is a silly one, but I did run into it at at customer. They had MS Office 2010 Student installed and then they installed a copy of Outlook 2010 after the fact. Apparently if you have two versions of Office 2010 installed (or some Upgrade scenarios) some of the integration tools cannot function. Simple …

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Missing Workflow Actions in Office Ribbon Bar

Ran into this the other day (And thanks to Darren M. for sharing his solution with me). Here’s the deal:   Problem When running SharePoint workflows (for example, the built in SharePoint 2010 Collect Feedback, Approval, Collect Signatures workflows), the edit task” ribbon button does not appear in the Word, Excel or other Office application …

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