Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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What are your “Pain Points”? We’d like to help.

itgroove is a business technology solutions provider. We have lots of tools and technology available that can be used to solve any number of business issues. And we have the knowledge and experience to map the solutions out for you, as well as the skills to implement the needed hardware, software and procedures. You have …

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Benefits of working with itgroove

We spent a little time this week putting together a list of what we believe are the benefits customers get, working with itgroove. You’ll notice we didn’t put things like we’re wicked smart” or “we’re great haxors”. We tried to compile a list of value we provide to a customer, based on our approach to …

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I’m now an SharePoint MVP – How cool is that?

Well, what do ya know?  Apparently, Microsoft loves, my love for SharePoint (and all those other related things I do – SharePoint, Windows Server, Exchange, SQL, IIS, ASP.NET – you know, all those things that SharePoint works with – I think I was ‘built’ to be a SharePoint Guy).     I was awarded with …

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Spell Check in SharePoint (MOSS No, WSS Yes)

Ok, unless I’m mistaken (and that happens precisely 1.5x per day), this is what I can make of ‘Spell Check’ in SharePoint. Spell Check Support WSS 3.0 (free SharePoint) does not include Spell Checker functionality MOSS 2007 ($$$) does, with certain lists/components There is a 3rd party plug-in from Telerik – but it’s expensive …

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CKS EBE (Enhanced Blog Edition) Archives Sorting (Monthly Sorting)

So, I have the Community Kit for SharePoint: Enhanced Blog Edition working (CKS:EBE – if you are reading this now, you are looking at EBE).   However, with the ‘default’ Theme included (I actually preferred it over all the others), I noticed the Monthly Archives were not being sorted properly.  They should be sorted by …

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BrainLitter – Now you can give Beers of Thanks

  Beer Me! Ok, I’ve been told I’ve helped a number of people, over the years, with my postings (in newsgroups and such) and my blog ( And people always tell me oh, I owe you a beer”, or “if you were nearby, I’d drop you a six pack” or “if you are ever in …

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Resolution for Failed to Render Control ‘createMonthUrl’ in CKS:EBE

  Ran into this tonight, using CKS:EBE (Community Kit for SharePoint, Enhanced Blog Edition).  Basically, I get the ugly error below in certain themes and the page rendering gets all screwed up (and the blog post is ruined forever and results in a ‘404 Not Found’ page instead of the SharePoint page).   Failed to …

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Categories fail to work with CKS:EBE using SharePoint Blog Provider

Using the Community Kit for SharePoint : Enhanced Blog Edition, I missed an important detail in the User Guide, that recommends that you do not in fact select ‘SharePoint’ as your blogging provider, but rather the ‘Metaweblog API’ provider.  Being that I initially set it up at 3am, I’m cutting myself some slack for not …

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Got CKS:EBE, Got Windows Live Writer … Now What?

Ok, got something to say? (your blog) Got somewhere to say it? (CKS:EBE – SharePoint Blogging Engine) Got something to say it with? (Word 2007 or Windows Live Writer) Now, spread the word, be sure to add ping servers, if you want to get the word out fast. Kurt Shintaku has a nice post here, …

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