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— 30 —

Journalists of all stripes have used the notation –30— at the end of an article or “dispatch” (ooo, there’s an older term) to denote that there’s nothing more, it is the end of the article.  Well, I’m using it to mark the end of this blog, at least in its current form. After 7 very …

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Volunteer! It’s good for your soul!

We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give. – Winston Churchill   I volunteer with a couple of organizations, one of which I write about regularly on this blog, Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary, and the other which is not tech oriented, the Salvation Army Stan …

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Sometimes you need to leave it to the pros!

I have a Mazda 5 that I love.  Yesterday I decided that I would change the cabin air filter, after all how hard could it be?  I looked the procedure up online then drove to the Mazda dealer to buy the filter then drove back home.  In my driveway I gathered my tools then started …

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The Joy of Blogging

A while back a bunch of us at itgroove were interviewed about how we use our blogs within the overall context of the business.  The interviews were for a Microsoft publication specifically pointed at other small businesses and the point of the article was to highlight we use our blogs to help promote the business.  …

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OMG! They did it again!!

Yup, itgroove hired another “geek girl” in the person of Stephanie Kahlam.  Steph has a pretty amazing background and she has already made a significant contribution to the team.  And, like Kelly, she is doing a yeoman job of forcing the cobwebs out of my brain with all of her excellent questions. In my post …

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So long, Jeremy!

If you have been involved in IT for any length of time you will know that the ONLY thing you can count on is change.  Change is the one unyielding constant that we all have to deal with.  Change in systems, change in technology, change in direction … the list goes on and on.  And, …

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Good “digital” neighbours

I was in the grocery store the other day and ended up in the checkout line behind my next door neighbour, Steve.  We got to yakking and as his order was going through the checkout I realized that I had left my wallet at home.  I was going to take all the items in my …

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Thank you!

A couple of weeks ago I needed to buy a new lawnmower.  I bought a Honda mower from a company that I’ve bought other tools from in the past; they give great service, their prices are reasonable and the fellow I dealt with actually seemed to care about what my needs were.  Anyway, I bought …

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To Hell with the NHL!

itgroove has their office in the Save On Foods Memorial Center (a hockey arena) in Victoria (my God, how much more Canadian can you get, eh?).  The arena is home to the WHL’s Victoria Royals, a junior team full of young players with aspirations to the national team and beyond to the NHL.  These are …

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One Size does not fit all!

Is the “Managed Services” model a good way to purchase services from your IT services provider?  I really can’t say but we (itgroove) think there is a better way … We believe that the best model is one that works best for you, as the customer, rather than trying to fit a square peg into …

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