So long, Jeremy!

If you have been involved in IT for any length of time you will know that the ONLY thing you can count on is change.  Change is the one unyielding constant that we all have to deal with.  Change in systems, change in technology, change in direction … the list goes on and on.  And, probably most wrenching of all, change in people.

We all tend to forget that our systems evolve around both technology and people; specifically the people that get attached to the systems and the people we, ourselves, get attached to.  I have lost count of the changes I’ve had to adapt to over the years and I’ve got another one happening in the next few days, the departure of my good friend and colleague Jeremy Dahl from our midst as he heads for new horizons in Vancouver.

Jeremy has been with us for a few years and in that time he has grown enormously in his skills and capabilities.  He has pushed and challenged me as he did his best to vacuum my brain for knowledge and, as an “old guy” in this business, it has been a pleasure and an honour to be able to help someone as eager as he is along his career path.

So, farewell my friend and good luck!  May you always keep a small piece of itgroove (and me) with you wherever you go.  Keep doing what you are doing and who knows how far you’ll be able to travel, I know I’ll be keeping an eye on your progress.

And thanks for making me do this whole change thing again …