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A shout out to my colleagues at itgroove

One of the great things about the tech industry is that you get to meet and work with some truly interesting people with a heavy lean towards the “Type A” category.  In my 30+ years in the biz I’ve been privileged to work with,and sometimes ,if I’ve been really lucky, lead some truly great teams.  …

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Adapt or perish!

In the post-doctoral academic world there is a saying, “Publish or perish”.  In the IT world the corollary is, “Adapt or perish”.  Both worlds are ruthlessly Darwinian in nature.  “What”, you may ask, “does this have to do with Office365 and other cloud services?”  Glad you asked!  Office365, Azure, Amazon and others have completely changed …

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Congrats Colin and Keith!

We are a dedicated lot at itgroove!  All of us are a little “crazy” and we all put a lot of time into keeping up with our various tech interests.  We are lucky that Sean Wallbridge – Boss, SharePoint MVP and all round good guy – encourages all of us to get involved in our …

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itgroove and “The Cloud”

We are Cloud Friendly. Everyone nowadays talks about “the Cloud” as being the next big thing that ALL companies should be looking at as a part of their IT infrastructure planning. The problem is that the term, “Cloud”, has become so ambiguous and attached to so many things that it is hard for most companies …

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One Size does not fit all!

Is the “Managed Services” model a good way to purchase services from your IT services provider?  I really can’t say but we (itgroove) think there is a better way … We believe that the best model is one that works best for you, as the customer, rather than trying to fit a square peg into …

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