Where is MS Forms Data Stored?

Where is MS Forms Data stored?

Microsoft Forms data is stored on servers in the United States, with the exception of data for European-based tenants. The data for European-based tenants is stored on servers in Europe.

Will MS Forms Data be stored in Canada?

So far storing Forms Data is not on the Road Map but it is a hot topic and user request in the User Voice for Forms

Can I use an MS Flow action to automate the deletion of MS Form responses after they have been received?

Unfortunately NO. Not yet anyway. But there are a lot of requests for this within the MS Flow Community

Where is all the Data located for Microsoft Office 365 services?

All services locations and map of Data Centers

Why is all this so important anyway?

The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)

How the Act Applies

PIPEDA applies to the collection, use or disclosure of personal information in the course of a commercial activity.

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