Kelly LaForest

Microsoft Office 365 blog by a OneNote MVP.

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Easily Putting OneNote Screenshots into Snagit Editor

I use OneNote so frequently that some of the program-specific keyboard shortcuts have become hardwired into my habits. (How frequent you ask? We’re talking 8+ hours a day.) For example, taking screen clippings via “Send to OneNote” using the Windows + S keys is a keyboard shortcut combination I use at least 20 times a day… Before OneNote came …

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First 5 – List of Favourite Features in OneNote

Co-authored by Kelly Marshall and Sean Wallbridge, SharePoint MVP How can you not love OneNote? We do! It’s a free download and works across every device and operating system that matters to us (i.e. everything except Blackberry). Sean loves that he can relax on the couch and use his iPad to jot down ideas into …

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Top 5 Section Suggestions for the OneNote New User

Co-authored by Kelly Marshall and Sean Wallbridge, SharePoint MVP There are a few key OneNote pointers we cover whenever we deliver an orientation to a new hire. We’ve had several new hires recently so we’re self-proclaimed professionals at rocking the Microsoft OneNote orientation now. OneNote “noobs” are grateful for these basic suggestions as it can be daunting …

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Where to Store Your Microsoft OneNote Notebook – and Why

Co-authored by Kelly Marshall and Sean Wallbridge, SharePoint MVP First rule of working in OneNote is: you do not talk about… Yeah right! We can’t shut up about OneNote. If you’re looking to join the OneNote club, the first thing you need to do is decide where to store your Notebook. And for collaboration’s sake …

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Microsoft OneNote – The Magic of the “Copy Link to Paragraph” button

UPDATE – 7/27/2016: Wow, time flies…. two years later, I loop back around and get down to answering the questions I asked in this original post. Here’s a link to the answers you seek: The Functionality Limits of Paragraph Links in Microsoft OneNote -KM  * Creating links to notebooks, sections, section groups and pages in Microsoft …

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“These Are A Few Of My Favourite Things” – The OneNote Edition

Back on April 22, 2014 I announced the creation of a New Community Group – Victoria Office 365 User Group on this blog. As the Co-Founder and Co-Organizer, I was really excited to have the opportunity to speak about one of my favourites topics at the first event – Microsoft OneNote! “These are a Few of …

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Using Windows Explorer View in SharePoint to Find OneNote Notebook Folders

In my “How OneNote Notebook Files (and Folders) Work” blog post, I shared some screenshots to clarify how OneNote uses folders and files to manage the data. I also took a moment to ponder why OneNote Notebooks stored and synced to locations in SharePoint site either on-premise and online in Office 365 appeared to only use files. The folders appeared …

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How to Assign a Task in OneNote 2013

Assigning tasks to others from within OneNote enables a user to quickly delegate without having to open Outlook or toggle between the programs. OneNote opens a window so you can create a new task directly from within Outlook. Instructions: Type out task in OneNote on a page. Use Outlook Tasks to create a Custom Task You will see …

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Keyboard Shortcut – Navigate Between Pages in Microsoft OneNote

Clicking is cool, but keyboard shortcuts are hot. I knew a keyboard shortcut existed to toggle or navigate between Microsoft OneNote notebook pages: I assumed CTRL + DOWN ARROW would be my ticket to productivity paradise, but no dice… it just sent me to the next paragraph on the page… After trying various combinations, including TAB, …

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Microsoft OneNote – Fix “Copy Link to Page” Hyperlink Issue

As avid SharePoint users, my colleagues and I are conditioned to avoid sending documents as email attachments whenever possible. (Why? I’ll save that lengthy list of reasons for a separate blog post). Our rampant use of Microsoft OneNote to brainstorm, compose, compile and collaborate reinforces this best practice since obtaining a link to a page in a notebook is a two …

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