How to Have OneNote 2013 Open on Startup

I have Send To OneNote set to automatically start up each time I turn on my computer, which is handy when I want to capture a screen clipping or a create new quick note without having to wait the 30 seconds it takes for the OneNote program to open.


I have Outlook 2013 set to open on start-up, so why not have OneNote 2013 as well. Each click I can avoid means another second to spend on other tasks.

Here’s how to set up OneNote to automatically open on start-up:

  1. Open Windows Explorer
  2. Use this file path to navigate to the Startup folder: C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\StartMenu\Programs\Startup\
  3. Note: you will need to replace “Username” with your username, before pasting the path into Windows Explorer. if you don’t know your username, read this blog post for the steps.
  4. Create a shortcut link in your Favourites by dragging the folder icon into the Favourites section in Windows Explorer. This will make it easy to navigate back to the Startup folder while you go grab shortcuts to the programs you want to open upon startup.
  5. Now, press the Windows button to get to the Start menu. Type OneNote into the Search field.
  6. When the icon appears, right click to open up the menu. Click on Open file location.
  7. Windows Explorer will open the Microsoft Office 2013 Programs folder.
  8. Now you can copy the OneNote 2013 shortcut by either using the Copy + C keyboard shortcut or right clicking on the icon to open the menu and select copy from the dropdown menu.
  9. Click on the Startup shortcut to return to the Startup folder and paste the shortcut into the folder. Restart the computer to see OneNote open automatically.





