Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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Elegant WSS Site collection backup script

Nice to be the boss. I gave my man Dougie my requirements and the skeleton for a script and he produced the rest. Note: update, November 15, 2009, added support for Windows Server 2008 (now.exe replaced with date/t) for backing up the WID   Download the (updated) script hereNOTE: you use this at your own …

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Binding additional IP Addresses in IIS on Windows Server 2008

This was a strange one today. Not sure what the brainstorm behind why the change in IIS (sigh, so much has changed in Windows Server 2008 IIS). I wanted to bind a SharePoint Web Application to a second (additional IP) address I added to my Windows 2008 Server. In Windows Server 2003, once this has …

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How to populate additional fields in ‘User List Information’ such as the ‘Manager’ field, in order to reference them using InfoPath and Workflows

Whew, long title… but I couldn’t think of a shorter way of succinctly saying what needed to be said… 🙂   Business Requirement A client wanted to create an InfoPath form, for vacation approval and other purposes and have it run within SharePoint. But a key requirement was that when the electronic form was launched, …

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Walkthrough – Adding Images to a SharePoint Dashboard

I’ve been asked this enough lately that I thought I’d take a moment to spell it out with some visuals. When the time comes to add some visual appeal to your SharePoint Dashboards (sometimes this goes a long way to adding interest in the site and/or helping folks find their ‘stuff’.   First, before starting, …

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New SharePoint Overview Site – Slick

Microsoft quietly unveiled a new, slicked up SharePoint information site. Pretty slick looking, not a lot of new content on there (yet I imagine) but I like it.    

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SP2 for SharePoint – looking good so far…

Update: May 21, 2009 – Note, if you have MOSS (this won’t affect WSS only installs as there is no license to input), there is a glitch in SP2 (regardless of cumulative fixes) that reverts SharePoint back to a Trial license (gulp/guffaw!). Here’s the full court press release from the SharePoint team – It …

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How to backup and restore (migrate) a single sub site (of a SharePoint Site Collection) using STSADM –o export (and import)

Ok, long title but I wanted to be as descriptive as possible…   Reference:   I had need today, as I often do, to help a client ‘clean up’ their SharePoint environment. They wanted a new SharePoint site (built on a sound infrastructure, etc. – my favourite) but wanted to bring across ‘some’ of …

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