Elegant WSS Site collection backup script

Nice to be the boss. I gave my man Dougie my requirements and the skeleton for a script and he produced the rest.

Note: update, November 15, 2009, added support for Windows Server 2008 (now.exe replaced with date/t) for backing up the WID


Download the (updated) script here
NOTE: you use this at your own risk. I’m just being a nice guy here.


It provides an automated mechanism (that can be scheduled via your task scheduler) for WSS Site Collection Backups (multiple sites, via CSV selection list), and saves them for 7 days and then overwrites the oldest (each backup is labelled as the day it was run on).

Note that it assumes it is running on Windows Server 2003 as it also backs up the metabase.  On Windows Server 2008, you will want to exclude the iisbackup/metabase part as 2008 handles this differently now.


How to use it:

Simply copy the script to your server, fill out the few required variables and modify the CSV file to suit. CSV format is as following:

  • ClientName,PortalURL,friendlyname

For example…

  • itgroove,https://portal.itgroove.net:443,itgroovePortal