Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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Online Change Control – Major Change the Online Change Register

gotta toot your own horn once in a while… 🙂 Solution Name: Major Change:  A web-based application designed to allow small and medium-sized businesses to easily implement and coordinate the change management process within their IT environments.  Major Change is the Online Change Register   Solution Description: Uncontrolled changes to an IT environment are the …

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Correcting the error ‘The certificate authority is invalid or incorrect’ for Response Point Administrator, on a Vista Workstation

Got this? Administrator has detected a problem with the Microsoft Windows Vista installation on this. Do you want Administrator to fix the problem now?     Administrator could not fix the problem with the Microsoft Windows Vista installation and cannot connect to the base unit from this computer.     Administrator could not fix the …

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BrainLitter – Now you can give Beers of Thanks

  Beer Me! Ok, I’ve been told I’ve helped a number of people, over the years, with my postings (in newsgroups and such) and my blog ( And people always tell me oh, I owe you a beer”, or “if you were nearby, I’d drop you a six pack” or “if you are ever in …

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SharePoint Intranet “Pass through” Authentication

For pass through (also referred to as Challenge/Response) authentication to work, you need to configure Internet Explorer to put those sites in the ‘Intranet’ zone. This also assumes that the Windows client machine (XP Pro or Vista Business) is a member of a ‘domain’. You can accomplish a ‘trusted’ SharePoint login via the following:   …

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Vista – Are you a local Administrator? Well, So What…

administrator isn’t necessarily ‘administrator’ anymore :-).  Even while being an administrator, Microsoft (smartly) has now incorporated additional controls to help prevent viruses and silly users from using elevated permissions, to run things they necessarily shouldn’t.  So, you may need to tell the program you are using to ‘run as administrator’, even as someone with administrator …

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itgroove’s Stance on the Microsoft Patch, MS08-067, Vulnerability in Server Service Could Allow Remote Code Execution (958644)

Read between the lines folks… It has probably been 3 years since we’ve seen a patch ‘out of band’ from the usual couple of updates every ‘Patch Tuesday’, from Microsoft. For Ballmer and Co (Bill is sitting at home now watching this from his recliner, semi-philanthropy-retired) to go out of their way to make this …

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Windows Snipping Tool Tip – How to capture the Context Menu

Thanks to Louis for pointing this out. 🙂   Ever have problems capturing drop down boxes with the snipping tool? (i.e. as soon as you move your mouse to select the snipping tool the drop down box disappears)   Here’s how to capture the Context Menu (right-click, properties) during your Snipping tool Screen Capture…   …

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Vista and stupid French or other language switching

Argh, this keeps happening to my dad (and me on occasion). Vista just decides (seemingly, pretty sure I’m not doing the keystroke combo) to change the keyboard language from the default setting of US English to Canadian French (thus I get e’s with accents, etc. – seriously, those are as lame as Poutine! 🙂 Anyways, …

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