Correcting the error ‘The certificate authority is invalid or incorrect’ for Response Point Administrator, on a Vista Workstation

Got this?


Administrator has detected a problem with the Microsoft Windows Vista installation on this. Do you want Administrator to fix the problem now?




Administrator could not fix the problem with the Microsoft Windows Vista installation and cannot connect to the base unit from this computer.




Administrator could not fix the problem with the Microsoft Windows Vista installation and cannot connect to the base unit from this computer.

Additional Information

Error: The certificate authority is invalid or incorrect

Error number: 0x80072f0d


Do This…



Export the Cert

  • Choose View Certificate. Then copy/export it to a .CER file


Then, you want to add it to your local workstations certificates store.

That is done like this…


  1. Open MMC
  2. Add/Remove the Certificates Snap-In (specify the ‘Computer Account’ as the the one to manage certificates)
  3. Import the Cert you just exported, into the ‘Trusted Root Certification Authorities’ Store and badabing, it will be working again!

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