Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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Ghosted Domain after removal? Reboot the PDC Emulator

Working with a client today, the problem reported was “I deleted a domain trust and domain over a week ago, yet it persists/exists in ‘Domains and Trusts” still.  Help! We went through the motions he pointed out that he had already done of Can’t remove it from the GUI (in Domains and Trusts) with the error “a …

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I want the blues – Die Event ID 1111 Die!

What I’ve written about this before, in regards to having clear (anal retentive much?) event logs and the technique was different in Windows Server 2008 R2 and earlier. I just can’t stand having to ignore a bunch of red critical errors, especially when they aren’t critical – and more importantly, I don’t think people should …

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IISReset for the Sneaky SharePoint Admin

What First off a disclaimer. In a production SharePoint environment, of course you shouldn’t perform an IISRESET/system reset when users are connected. Buuuuutttttt, in those instances where you are in a jam, or the system is in testing or you’re feeling brazen, I’m just saying you “coullldddd” consider the following… I was working with a …

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(it)Groovy Microsoft Promotions

Hey folks, Microsoft has a couple of cool promotions going right now related to virtualization and cloud services. Check them out! Crack the Cloud! Check out the Crack the Cloud promotion.  Link Windows Azure Trial Check out the Windows Azure Trial. Link Virtualization Squared Free Hyper-V/Virtualization Training. Link

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Buh-Bye Citrix, hello again QuickBooks on my iPad

Today I can happily announce that we retired our Citrix XenApp Terminal Server in favour of a simplified, all in, Windows Server 2012 R2 RDWeb Server solution. Previously, I was pretty excited about using Citrix and the Citrix Receiver app to view Remote Desktop connections and published apps on my iPad and other mobile devices. …

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Finding missing drive space on Hyper-V Vm’s with SpaceSniffer

This post was written by the amazing Louis on our team.  He identified a problem where virtual machines would indicate no remaining space and yet show hidden files, etc. turned on, we couldn’t find the culprits.  Stranger still, if we rebooted the space was freed (but I don’t want to be a pirate … I …

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Living the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) dream at itgroove

I love that we are living the dream of BYOD (Bring your own device) and felt the need to illustrate it. We provide a solid/secured centralized platform and our folks connect with their tool of choice. You could look at this as say Office 365 does the same thing for those that don’t want to …

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Help Eliminate annoying 1111 System Event Log Entries

You know what I’m talking about. You are wading through Event Logs on a server and see a bunch of event logs you are going to ignore, but look critical. RED.  EXCLAMATION POINTS!  Ack! While there are ways to turn this off server side (though I’m still looking for the trick on 2012, must find …

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