In case this helps someone else, as I didn’t come across many sites or resources (just jibber jabber in forums)…
I was looking for a USB to Ethernet adapter for my new Windows 8 UltraBook (Lenovo Yoga … sweet by the way) as it only comes with wireless networking (a trend I think that will continue)
So What
I couldn’t find anything particularly “certified” for Windows 8 (yet, this is February 16th, 2013 today) but after some recon in the forums, it appeared a few devices had been tried and true and I was already making a purchase from Startech.com (for a USB to DVI connector – I have three screens for my Yoga – The Yoga itself in Tripod mode, a 24” on HDMI and another 24” via the USB adapter (startech.com USB2DVIE3 by the way) – gives me 1920×1200).
Now What
I took my new USB21000S2 out of the box, plugged it into the USB port and Windows 8 detected it and installed the driver within the minute. Nice. All I could ask for. No doubt it won’t take long for devices to get certified and appear here and there, particularly with the emergence of more ultra books and the Windows Surface (I think I read this device works with both RT and Pro but don’t quote me on that, that was a few days ago when I was ordering the unit)
My USB to Ethernet Adapter
My USB DVI Adapter
Thanks Sean, just what I need for Alexandra’s ultrabook for university.