Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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Password Lengths and Complexity – Our Philosophy

Over the years, I’ve seen lots of talk on the use of long passwords and complex passwords, etc. and I’ve narrowed the noise down to two options, that we recommend to our clients (and I tend to lean towards the 2nd option). In order to maintain good security (and to satisfy management security concerns), we …

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Getting this, when performing an IISRESET? Restart attempt failed. Restarting of Internet Services has been disabled. Basically, IISRESET got disabled.  Don’t know how that happened?  I’ve seen lots of discussions online about some patches that do not finish correctly and leave IISRESET in a ‘disabled’ state. So, when/if that happens, here’s how you correct the …

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How to capture Pop-Up Error Messages to the clipboard

Many error messages/pop-ups since Windows XP came out, are *clipboard friendly*. Thus, if you get an error message like this…     The trick/deal is, you can press CTRL+C while it is open, and capture all that text, so that you can put *accurate* entries into Google or wherever you might want to search, for …

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Password Lengths and Complexity – Our Philosophy

Over the years, I’ve seen lots of talk on the use of long passwords and complex passwords, etc. and I’ve narrowed the noise down to two options, that we recommend to our clients (and I tend to lean towards the 2nd option). In order to maintain good security (and to satisfy management security concerns), we …

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Notepad Change Control Trick – Pop Up Change Controls!

Another standard (and neat NotePad trick) at itgroove. Pop-up Change Control prompts for servers.   Here’s the deal… Installation 1. On every server, you place the (TWO) txt files (compressed in the ZIP), in the All UsersStartup folder (I’ve put a copy of these files on my Blog at: /wp-content/uploads/brainlitter/brainlitterarchive/sharepoint/SharePointDox/Change%20Control%20Text%20Files/ – Windows Server 2003 and …

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One fix for Failed to update recipient returned an error -2147023286 from the Address List Service in Exchange 2007

Ran into the following today and appears the ‘ole Internet is littered with reasons for the possibility of it happening, none of which applied to me.  So, here’s my addition to that list… 🙂   I got this… Failed to update recipient “ – CA1/Users/itgroove Test User”. The following exception occurred: Exchange Server 2007 …

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Active Directory Object Descriptions – Use them for Servers!

Documentation is always the bummer for the IT Professional.  At itgroove, we try to excel at it (maybe because it’s an effort to set ourselves apart or gosh, because it is in the best interest of the client, whom we deeply respect and wish to keep).   One of the simplest ‘documentation’ techniques for keeping …

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How to configure Single Exchange Server 2007 Anti-Spam Agents

While it is always recommended to separate your ‘front-end’ Exchange Server (Edge) from the back-end (your Hub Transport), your budget doesn’t always allow this. So, to enable the following functions, on your standalone Exchange implementation… Connection Filtering Agent Content Filter Agent Sender ID Agent Sender Filter Agent Recipient Filter Agent Protocol Analysis Agent   You …

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