Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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itgroove March 2016 Video Newsletter

I asked Karin, our newest addition to the team for “short and sweet” and I got exactly that. Enjoy the first of what I expect to be monthly Video Newsletters informing the masses of our office goings on. March 2016 Newsletter from itgroove on Vimeo.

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Being Me

A little while back my friend Tom Hudock asked me to be part of a video series his company (Re[influence] Marketing) was putting together. This is what he sent me… “The video series I’m starting is to share real, authentic people and their stories. I believe more and more viewers don’t want the polished figures, …

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itgroove now on VIMEO

I’ve made no secret about it before.  I think Google is evil.  Too many negative experiences with the company that is always “in beta” and lately that extends to YouTube.  I won’t get into it here but I’m done with posting videos I care about on YouTube (Google/YouTube if you are listening, I’d love for …

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