Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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Add Document, Access Denied and the Content Organizer

WHAT Troubleshooting a SharePoint site for a customer today.  Users with even up to Full Control on a library (nevermind simple contribute access) couldn’t upload documents to a document library. The system page would give an “Access Denied” response when choosing “Add Document”.  While Publishing was on and was my first suspicion, the user had …

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IISReset for the Sneaky SharePoint Admin

What First off a disclaimer. In a production SharePoint environment, of course you shouldn’t perform an IISRESET/system reset when users are connected. Buuuuutttttt, in those instances where you are in a jam, or the system is in testing or you’re feeling brazen, I’m just saying you “coullldddd” consider the following… I was working with a …

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Egad. Microsoft Security Bulletin MS14-022 – Critical for SharePoint

Hey folks We’ve come across a SharePoint security concern that, if you are not already aware of, requires your attention. To be clear – we’re not fans of fear mongering. SharePoint patches pop up frequently.  We’ve identified this one as particularly critical. We are currently applying this patch internally to protect ourselves and to develop …

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Dude. Where did all the Apps in my SharePoint Personal Site Go?

What Microsoft has done a really nice job of slimming down and simplifying what a SharePoint Personal Site looks and behaves like for end users (you know, those “My Sites” that historically/rarely got adopted). By the way, this applies to both SharePoint 2013 on premise and Office 365 (SharePoint Online).

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Two common search questions

A customer had two questions this morning regarding Search in SharePoint (and the following hasn’t really changed in 2013). As I already had the answers for her, figured I’d share them with others as well. How do I see how long a full search crawl takes? 1.     In your Search Service Application (Central Admin, Manage Service …

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When following a document leads to heartache

Ok, here’s one I ran into today… What Users are trying to Follow Documents in a SharePoint 2013 Site Collection.  (To learn all about following documents, go here:  The problem is, our particular web application is not linked to the User Profile Service Application (removed from that proxy) because we are using this web …

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More Mobile and Offline capabilities for Nintex Mobile

Update December 9, 2013: Nintex tipped me off that Forms 2010 version 1.4.1 & Forms 2013 version 2.2.1 were released yesterday Sweet. It’s not even Christmas yet and some of the stuff I’ve been waiting for Santa Nintex to deliver under the tree are starting to arrive. Nintex Mobile version 2.0 was released on December …

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