More Mobile and Offline capabilities for Nintex Mobile

Update December 9, 2013: Nintex tipped me off that Forms 2010 version 1.4.1 & Forms 2013 version 2.2.1 were released yesterday

Sweet. It’s not even Christmas yet and some of the stuff I’ve been waiting for Santa Nintex to deliver under the tree are starting to arrive.


Nintex Mobile version 2.0 was released on December 3rd. With it comes some things I’ve been waiting for – Repeating sections, People Picker, better form previews and finally mapping/location capabilities.

I did some research contacting support as I needed to know (and you’ll need to know) what versions of Nintex Forms you need in the back end so here’s the report…

Forms Version Support

As usual, support was very responsive and helpful.  Here’s the Ask

I noticed Nintex Mobile 2.0 came out today in the iOS App Store. I have a few questions questions:

  1. Is there a page somewhere on your website where you post these announcements and new capabilities so we can see a timeline of these updates?
  2. Some of the new features are something I’ve been looking forward to. Can you confirm what version of Forms is required on the back end to support the new functionality like repeating sections, people picker, mapping locations, etc.

And here’s the answers I got.

Thank you for your email, the Development Team has advised the following:

We don’t currently post public announcements – we will discuss this with our marketing department.

Regarding the functionality you were expecting – you will get the people picker and geolocation functionality in Mobile, but you are required to be using Forms version 1.4 for SP2010 or Forms version 2.2 for SP2013.

Repeating sections are supported in Forms version 1.4.1 for SP2010 and Forms version 2.2.1 for SP2013 – both of which are available in a couple of weeks.

So there you have it.  The repeating sections bit is so new, the actual back end stuff isn’t out yet.  Couple of weeks for that … just in time for Christmas. Winking smile