Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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SharePoint 2010 Downloads – Foundation and Designer Now Available

  SharePoint 2010 is starting to appear on MSDN/Technet, etc. And publicly available components are now available for download. Links and info are below:   Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2010   Reminder: SharePoint Designer 2010 only connects to SharePoint 2010 sites. You will want to continue to use SharePoint Designer 2007 to connect to your …

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SharePoint and Office 2010 RTM’d

This is a very exciting time. SharePoint 2010 and Office 2010 (and Visual Studio, etc.) have all been released to manufacturing. RTM for Office and SharePoint was April 16th, 2010. What this means going forward:   Important Dates April 16, 2010 – SharePoint/Office 2010 RTM (Release to Manufacturing/Media). April 27, 2010 – RTW (Release to …

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STSADM and “command is invalid”

Hey folks, I’ve seen this enough that it warranted blogging about it specifically. Here’s the deal… Problem When running an STSADM command in SharePoint, you get a result of command is invalid” following what you believe to be perfectly good syntax. And you know what, it might well be. But what you probably did is …

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Benefits of working with itgroove

We spent a little time this week putting together a list of what we believe are the benefits customers get, working with itgroove. You’ll notice we didn’t put things like we’re wicked smart” or “we’re great haxors”. We tried to compile a list of value we provide to a customer, based on our approach to …

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New Content on the Get the Point Blog

Cool, the content the SharePoint Get the Point team asked me for has been posted on their sites home page. Check it out here…   Link: How SharePoint Saved my Business … and My Sanity

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SharePoint MVP – Year 2

Sweet. I’d like to thank the academy…   All of us at itgroove are very pleased to announce that Sean Wallbridge — our President, Principal consultant and resident SharePoint Jedi – has been awarded MVP for Microsoft SharePoint Server for the second year in a row. The MVP (Most Valuable Professional) award is given to …

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SharePoint – After Patching – A Simple Sample Test Script

Ok don’t get too excited, this is short and sweet and off the cuff for a customer. It is a test script (like an actor reads a script) of items that could/should be checked, to ensure SharePoint was healthy, after patching or major work. This isn’t everything one should do, but could be useful to …

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Spell Check for WSS

As you may have discovered, WSS 3.0 (Windows SharePoint Services) does not provide a Spell checking capability in lists when you input data. MOSS 2007 does however. So what do the rest of us do with smaller budgets?   I have two suggestions (and if others have more, please comment).   Google Toolbar – yep, …

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