Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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Service Pack 1 for SharePoint 2010 Products Has Arrived

Now hang on a second. I’m not saying download it and install right now. Like always, the service pack will be addressing a number of things that cumulative updates have in the past but this one is special (or dangerous 😉 as it is delivering some new features as well. So take the time to …

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Short SharePoint Usage Questionnaire

Don’t mind me, just preparing questions for some SharePoint (existing) business analysis we are going to be doing at a customer tomorrow and I figured this would be useful to share to help get some dialogue going in case you need to do the same.     Name: Department: Role:         What …

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How to Add a Favicon to a Site Collection

The Goal Add a favicon to a site collection (note this only works on one site collection at a time). How To Do It Prerequisites You need to start with a favicon file. This must be an ICO file, not a PNG, or GIF, or other graphics format file. These other types tend to work …

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SharePoint MVP for another Run

Hey folks, I’m honoured and humbled to have been awarded with the Microsoft MVP award in SharePoint for a 3rd year. It truly is a privilege to be part of this fine group of individuals, some of the smartest and most dedicated folks I’ve ever met. I’d like to thank my wife, my kids, my …

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Getting by with SharePoint Foundation, without Enterprise Filters

As is often the case for me in the SMB area, many of my customers don’t have access to the Enterprise Edition of SharePoint and thus we need to get ‘creative’. Well, there are two web parts in SharePoint Enterprise that are very useful and as such, I’ve had to find workarounds. Luckily, some nice …

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SharePoint 2010 and the Quick Launch

Ok, first off, there are a tonne of posts out there about the Quick Launch and nothing on here is original. I’m simply trying to combine all of the various details and questions I get into one resource. So here goes… Hiding the Quick Launch on SharePoint 2010 Pages Adding/Returning the Quick Launch to SharePoint …

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If you happen to be in the Yukon

  If you happen to be in the Yukon on January 19th, 2011… I’ve been invited to speak at the Yitis (Yukon Information Technology and Industry Society) for their Boost! New Ideas in Business and Technology conference.   Learn More Here:  

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Hideous SharePoint Theme Guide

Thanks to Louis for putting this together. Yes we know this is hideous to look at, but Louis made a custom Theme picture that we thought makes it easier for determining where PowerPoint Office Theme Colours used to customize a SharePoint 2010 theme go. There were several other sources on the web that offer their …

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InfoPath Forms Question

In case this serves you in the future… A customer asked the following today…     Sean, I am looking to create a new hire IT form on our Moss SharePoint site.  Currently, we have a library on our SharePoint 2003 site for the US. We are trying to push out our new hire computer setup …

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Fixing – The server block is not well formed

Ran into this the other day. The fix was easy but the cause was curious.   Error An error occurred during the processing of /corporate/CorporateDocuments/Forms/AllItems.aspx. The server block is not well formed.     The Reason While I’m sure a number of scenarios can create this situation, in my case it was a matter of …

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