Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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What are your “Pain Points”? We’d like to help.

itgroove is a business technology solutions provider. We have lots of tools and technology available that can be used to solve any number of business issues. And we have the knowledge and experience to map the solutions out for you, as well as the skills to implement the needed hardware, software and procedures. You have …

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If there was ever a blog post to start with, regarding the vision of SharePoint 2013

If there was ever a blog post to start with, regarding the vision of SharePoint 2013, you should at least read Jeff Teper’s post (straight from the top man): If you read between the lines… Search and Find’ability is more important than ever as is Social and the SharePoint team has invested in that. …

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If you live in Victoria, BC and are into SharePoint, you should join us

It’s been a while since I’ve reminded the local community so thought I’d take a second and provide a refresher… Every month in Victoria you have an opportunity to learn (for free, with pizza included!) something new about SharePoint.  We are the Victoria SharePoint Users Group – – please consider signing up.  Our next …

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SharePoint Expertise @itgroove

Anyone that has worked with SharePoint extensively will tell you it is a giant product, framework on which to build elegant solutions. With that said, no one person can do it all. So at itgroove, we have carved up champions of expertise within the team to make sure we have the right skills, coverage and …

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Submit your story on SharePoint and Get Showcased!

Submit your story on SharePoint and Get Showcased!   There are so many fantastic success stories on SharePoint 2010 that are just waiting to be told and shared. Now’s your chance to get your story heard!   You’re invited to share your unique story on SharePoint 2010 to win the chance of being professionally filmed …

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How to enable NTLM authentication for your SharePoint site in Firefox

We all (should) know about adding our SharePoint site to the Local Intranet zone on computers we trust, to ensure ease of login while inside the corporate network. But did you know Firefox can do the same thing? Here’s how…   The Add On Way There is a Firefox add-on called NTLMAuth for Firefox”. If …

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