Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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Office Web Apps 2013 and Project Server Licensing

Thanks to Robert in our office who took care of answering the following questions for me (thanks Rob), and now I’m sharing them with you… Here’s the questions (and answers) I asked Rob: Office Web Apps 2013 In 2010, if you had volume licensing, for each user you bought a volume license for, you could …

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itgroove is in the Windows 8 App Store!

Sweetness. itgroove has its first Windows 8 App (for all 6 of you using it … I kid ) It is a WordPress Aggregator for pulling in all of the blogs across our team (for a little bit longer, it is just pulling my stuff … that will change end of the month). Check it …

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Loving us some PowerPivot and our 50” LED Screen

With our 2013 migration complete, we’ve been polishing up our BI (thanks Jarrod and Colin) and refreshing the office LED Screen.  This is powerful for us as those doing a “walk by” are always aware of any  risks or challenges.  Combined with our Orb, we are really plugged into our business and becoming less and …

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Now where did I put those PowerPivot DMP files?

In Central Admin today, I was reviewing “problems and solutions” and discovered we were having a little bit of grief with PowerPivot. PowerPivot: One or more minidump files were found in the Logs directory, indicating a program crash   I did read the details it gave me but I guess being an “old Windows guy”, …

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Two Thumbs

Kick Ass. Whose got two thumbs and is now (immensely) enjoying the benefits of Windows Server 2012, SQL Server 2012, SharePoint 2013, Exchange 2013, Lync 2013, Nintex 2013, Office 2013 and Windows 8. That’s right. This guy!

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Provisioning the Work Management Service Application

I was bumbling around with Tasks today in anticipation of plotting out our new issue system and the idea of aggregated tasks is interesting (not finishing exploring if it is a fit yet however).  On my site under tasks, I got the following however when looking to see all of my tasks in one place: …

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SharePoint MVP Predictions

Honoured to be included with this bunch again for Dan Holme’s Annual SharePoint Predictions. Check it out here: SharePoint Predictions 2013

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Display Search Box nowhere to be found in a SharePoint 2013 Web Part

This one was a little frustrating and not altogether obvious, so I thought I’d share the result What SharePoint 2013 has an amazing inline search feature for lists and libraries. I love it and it won’t be long before it is the one thing folks without 2013 moan about… The idea of being able to …

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Email Address Sync with SharePoint UPS and Cloud Email Hosting

I ran into this situation today in our farm and figured while there is already a handy post out there that outlines the fix. However, I figured I’d share the background here as this will likely become a more common scenario going forward with more and more businesses looking to the cloud (Office 365 particularly) …

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