Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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Preparing your people, processes and systems for SharePoint 2013

There will no doubt be countless blogs, articles and rants about preparing for SharePoint 2013.  I’m doing my own because, well, I need to store stuff as I come across it somewhere.  But if I can contribute in any way or with a different approach, I might as well give back to the community as …

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How to Enable the Collect Feedback Workflow for a document library

I’m often amazed how few people realize that if you have SharePoint 2010 Server (or 2007) Standard, you have a couple of really useful workflows, out of the box, available to you that are very easy to implement and empower your staff. It’s shocking actually… Ensure the Site Collection “Workflows” feature is activated If the …

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Whoa SharePoint 2013. Where did the Recycle Bin go?

Looking for the Recycle Bin in SharePoint 2013? You won’t find it in its previous location (quick launch with All Site Content). Never fear, its not gone.  It just seems pretty clear that Microsoft is just as eager as most of our customers to remove some of the clutter from a SharePoint page and as …

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Goodbye IE7 and Microsoft really means it … so far

It looks like Microsoft is really putting the pedal down to get folks to stop using IE7 and upgrade. This is a good thing of course.  And now with Office 365 they have some leverage as they can observe and inform the user base (well, the site admins) to get their act together. The email …

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Farking A – Another reason to love OneNote

Maybe I knew this and forgot but either way I discovered (or rediscovered) it today… OneNote 2010 (over 2007) introduced Versioning and Recycle Bin (see here for the complete list and notes about what does/doesn’t work with OneNote 2007 folks – Versioning Requirements OneNote 2010 OneNote File in 2010 mode (note, converting will mean …

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Central Admin Port Number on 23646

While the SharePoint setup wizard will happily and randomly select a port number for you, for SharePoint Central Administration, we at itgroove prefer something a little more managed, obvious and easy to remember. We put Central Administration on port 23646 Why 23646? Because it spells out Admin on your mobile phone. This was something I …

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SharePoint Service Account creation worksheet

When providing guidance to customers about SharePoint Service accounts (lots of posts out there already, so I’m keeping this short), we end up submitting a recommend service account list (they don’t always go for them, but we do our best at trying to do the right thing). Anyways, SharePoint Service accounts ideally will have several …

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RIP SharePoint Workspace in 2013 – we hardly knew ye…

Looks like SharePoint Workspace is going the way of the Do Do (and all things Groove). Of course, SharePoint 2013/Office 2013 are in Preview and things could change … But not likely. Reference: Looks like SkyDrive and Foldersync will be replacing its functionality.

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If there was ever a blog post to start with, regarding the vision of SharePoint 2013

If there was ever a blog post to start with, regarding the vision of SharePoint 2013, you should at least read Jeff Teper’s post (straight from the top man): If you read between the lines… Search and Find’ability is more important than ever as is Social and the SharePoint team has invested in that. …

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