Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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Getting caught up – Here’s Some Office 365 What’s New(s)

Well, I’ve been away a little while. Life has been busy but I’m starting to get back on track. Let’s start today by simply sharing the last 3 Office 365 What’s New Presentations I have presented since November 2018 at the Victoria Office 365 User Group. Sharing is Caring as they say. November 2018 – …

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Gallery: Swag Store

This week we have added the Swag Store to our Gallery. itgroove created this solution for a business that had multiple people in different departments purchasing company “swag” (shirts, pens and other branded goodies). Their process was admittedly clunky; employees would place orders either in person or through email, leaving the manager of these goods …

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Gallery: Project Registry

Our latest Gallery release is a solution that we initially developed for our portal. I had been thinking that we needed something like this – and as it turns out, we’re not the only ones. After implementing this for a few client portals, we decided to make the Project Registry available on the Gallery. The …

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Gallery: Flexi Tiles solution for SharePoint

Excited to announce this week’s Gallery release… the Flexi Tiles solution. What it does is treat your Web Parts as tiles. These tiles fit onto a grid where they can slide around and rearrange depending on the size of your screen, the number of Web Parts, and the content of your Web Parts. We show …

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Our Support Platform is Complete – Power Admin for the Win!

What Over the years, we have used dozens of management products. They’ve all tried to shoehorn us into delivering IT “their way”. You know, Managed Services, MSP, blah blah blah. Well, Victoria has demonstrated repeatedly that they don’t want this type of service (and in this Cloud First world, nor do many others up to …

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Victoria Office 365 User Group – Coming Soon!

We’re pretty excited here in the office as we are gearing up to announce and support a local Office 365 User Group.  Watch this space: and sign up.  The more the merrier!

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