Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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I aspire to be the Bob Ross of SharePoint

I can hear Darren’s eyes rolling from here… Egad, what now Sean? I always liked how Apollo Creed of the Rocky Movie franchise had a bunch of cool nicknames, like The King of Sting, the Master of Disaster, the Count of Monte Cristo.  I’ve been searching for my own (I needed/wanted something to make what …

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OneNote Goodies. So nice, needs to be said twice.

The Microsoft OneNote Team has already blogged about all the features in the new OneNote “Onetastic” add-on created by one of the team’s devs (right on Omer!) and they chat it up here: That said, I wanted to help spread the word as there is some good stuff in there (Jeff tipped me off).  …

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Quick How To Video–Inserting Space in a OneNote Page

I’ve demonstrated this a few times this week to folks.  It seems we all need a little extra/new space in our OneNote pages so I thought I’d brush off the Camtasia project and zap this quick video out in case it helps enlighten others.  Enjoy. [youtube–O8ad3s&hl=en&hd=1] If the YouTube preview image/video won’t render on …

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Canada Day Present–New OneNote 2.0 for iPad released

Kick Ass and Happy Canada Day, eh? I woke up, the sun was shining, birds were tweeting (can we use that term about birds still?) and low and behold, my iPad and iPhone App stores were telling me I had a new present waiting for me. Yep, OneNote for iPad/iPhone (and Android) has received a …

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Office Web Apps 2013 and Project Server Licensing

Thanks to Robert in our office who took care of answering the following questions for me (thanks Rob), and now I’m sharing them with you… Here’s the questions (and answers) I asked Rob: Office Web Apps 2013 In 2010, if you had volume licensing, for each user you bought a volume license for, you could …

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What are your “Pain Points”? We’d like to help.

itgroove is a business technology solutions provider. We have lots of tools and technology available that can be used to solve any number of business issues. And we have the knowledge and experience to map the solutions out for you, as well as the skills to implement the needed hardware, software and procedures. You have …

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Farking A – Another reason to love OneNote

Maybe I knew this and forgot but either way I discovered (or rediscovered) it today… OneNote 2010 (over 2007) introduced Versioning and Recycle Bin (see here for the complete list and notes about what does/doesn’t work with OneNote 2007 folks – Versioning Requirements OneNote 2010 OneNote File in 2010 mode (note, converting will mean …

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