Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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How to Map Word Quick Parts fields to a SharePoint Document Library Document Template

As a result of the Document Library Deep Dive presentation I did at the vSharePoint (Victoria SharePoint User’s Group) on Thursday, the following question came up (how do you map SharePoint list data to a Word document, generated as a report). The query:   My response to that query can be found here (more …

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Enable Edits in your SharePoint Search Results

Bummed out that when you perform a search result in SharePoint, your only option is to open files (in Read Only)?   Well, here’s a great little CodePlex project that provides a simple install (WSP) and then a simple stepped through modification of your core results search web part – to give you the following …

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SharePoint – Meeting Workspace Scenarios

I’ve been asked to put together some SharePoint ‘Meeting Initiation’ scenarios, so here they are, presented as ‘business requirements’ and the techniques necessary to get rolling. Once you have created a meeting workspace, keep in mind that they are full, SharePoint sites that you can tune, customize and leverage for as long as you need. …

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SharePoint Training Hub

Microsoft has produced a SharePoint Site Collection (that you can integrate into your SharePoint site, if you have MOSS – not WSS, sorry), called the “Productivity Hub”, which can help with the adoption and education of SharePoint and the other standard Microsoft Office Products (and in the near future, Windows 7, etc.).   Where to …

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How to implement a new CANCEL button to redirect elsewhere on a SharePoint Form

Someone asked on Experts Exchange today, how to manipulate the Cancel button on a SharePoint Survey ‘Newform.aspx’ form. Here’s one way, using SharePoint Designer. I created a quick YouTube video as there were far too many steps to document in a blog entry (or I’m just far too lazy).     Reference Link:

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Hosted SharePoint vs. SharePoint in House – One Perspective

SharePoint is Awesome – Whether it be Hosted or In House.   The following Pro/Con list has been created to give our customers what we believe to be the essential details to make an informed choice about whether to implement SharePoint In House” on new or existing server equipment, or to implement SharePoint with a …

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SharePoint in Plain English

We get asked just what is SharePoint?” a lot.  While it is difficult to encapsulate the vast framework that SharePoint is (and can be, if done properly), the folks at Microsoft have done a great job of giving a quick, visual primer, in 3 short minutes.   Check it out.  And then contact us, to …

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A video example of customizing/extending the SharePoint ‘Help Desk Template’ in SPD

This seemed worthy of sharing. Someone on Experts-Exchange asked about modifying/extending one of the SharePoint 40 Fantastic templates, to add their own column (Business Units) and then modify the ‘New Request’ form. So, here was my response to him/her including the related YouTube/Screencast video, showing how it is done. This should prove useful/valuable to anyone …

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