Hosted SharePoint vs. SharePoint in House – One Perspective

SharePoint is Awesome – Whether it be Hosted or In House.


The following Pro/Con list has been created to give our customers what we believe to be the essential details to make an informed choice about whether to implement SharePoint In House” on new or existing server equipment, or to implement SharePoint with a hosted provider.


I sent this around the office and to some respected colleagues and the general comment was that it seemed like we were trying to sway customers away from hosting and really, that isn’t true (we offer hosting, for clients that want it). In the end, I’m leaving it as is as there are Pro’s and Con’s of each SharePoint implementation option and I’d rather include all of the points, than remove details, just to make the sides ‘even’.



Itgroove ( can provide hosted SharePoint (WSS) and/or provide complete installation, configuration and support of your In House SharePoint platform.