Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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Yep, I switched up my blog

Gasp! Your blog isn’t based on SharePoint anymore? Yep. But keep your shirt on. I haven’t found a new lover. I LOVE working with SharePoint. But sometimes, the Internet prefers to work with others. Basically, I made the switch because: SharePoint can be expensive to license for the Internet SharePoint is HUGE and can sometimes …

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Shaw Upgrade from Extreme to new 50MB plan and Gateway

*squeal*. Shaw guy is here installing my new Gateway and 3 portals (1 per TV). I’m also upgrading to their 50MB plan (100mb, pishaw, don’t need THAT yet), from Extreme. (Note, I started this blog post a week ago last Friday and finished it tonight. All this in an effort to match what Telus has …

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