Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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Major Change datasheet released

Check out the Major_Change_Datasheet.pdf, now available for download and review. Exerpt: Uncontrolled changes are the single largest cause of unplanned outages and major IT issues. Change Management is the proven, industry standard method for reducing these risks to your business. is a web-based application designed to allow your business to easily and efficiently …

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Exchange Mailbox Management stuff you should know

Learned a couple of things today about Mailbox Management policies (thanks Dougie). You can only have one mailbox management policy per mailbox (anything lower priority is skipped) Deleted items can’t be moved to System Cleanup Folders (though the gui will give you the option – instead of being moved, these items are DELETED! Crazy, poorly …

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Major Change – About Major Change

Got Major Change? Consider this nightmare… It’s 11pm, the mail server just crashed and now it won’t come back up after a reboot. You ask yourself… Who last worked on the server? What did they do? What did they install? Why did they do it and Why wasn’t it planned? And most importantly … Why …

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SMTP diagnostic tools

I’m going to start building a list of such tools, so I can find them. For tonight, there is just this one, from Microsoft: Microsoft Exchange Server SMTPDiag Tool IP Reputation Tool –

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Best Practices for Service and Domain Admin Accounts

Here is a listing of best practices I put together for a client some time ago, enjoy or throw away. Whatever. 🙂 The following best practices are based on the amount of risk and expense a corporation can afford. For example, a small company running Small Business Server will typically only have one server so …

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Wufoo – Now this is cool (and convenient)

You know what? I can code forms in CGI, ASP, ASP.NET and could fudge a PHP one pretty quick. But for clients wanting a form on their website, WuFoo rocks for creating a slick form, good and quick. Very impressive, so I’m bookmarking it so I don’t lose it (I have my AdHoc account already …

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SQL Server Performance Analyzing

I’m starting to compile a list of SQL perforrmance tools: SQL Server 2005 Performance Dashboard Reports The reports tool can be downloaded at: The only prerequisite is to have SQL2005 SP2 installed, no reboot required. Once installed, from the Management Studio you need to execute setup.sql for each instance on the server. Setup.sql is …

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Windows Vista SP1 Command Line Switches

Don’t mind me, just screenshotting the SP1 Setup Switches Text only version ————————— SPInstall Usage ————————— AVAILABLE SWITCHES: [/help] [/quiet] [/unattend] [/nodialog] [/norestart] [/forcerestart] [/warnrestart] [/promptrestart] /help Displays this message SETUP MODES: /quiet Quiet mode (no user interaction or display) /unattend Unattended mode (progress bar only) /nodialog Hide the installation result dialog after completion RESTART …

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