Major Change – About Major Change

Got Major Change?

Consider this nightmare…

It’s 11pm, the mail server just crashed and now it won’t come back up after a reboot.

You ask yourself…

  • Who last worked on the server?
  • What did they do?
  • What did they install?
  • Why did they do it and Why wasn’t it planned?
  • And most importantly … Why Me? And Why Now?

Sound familiar? How many times has THAT happened (or similar)? Have you had that long, agonizing night because of a change or patch that should have been carefully planned, tested or maybe even never installed in the first place – because it was convenient?

Major Change can bring the Change Control
process to your Business TODAY.

Change Management is the process by which a desired change to a server, service or application is:

  • Requested (Submitted)
  • Reviewed (Approved or Rejected)
  • Documented (Stored and Retrievable/Searchable)
  • Closed (Marked Complete)

Major Change provides a simple, user friendly console that addresses all of the change management process steps above, in addition to providing timely notifications direct to your inbox by email.

Best of all, Major Change is a web based service which means you can implement Change Control in your business NOW, with absolutely no hardware or software investment.


Major Change is a web-based application designed to allow you to easily and efficiently coordinate the change management process within your IT environment. Major Change assists you in introducing effective controls on all changes pertaining to your IT systems and services. These controls help to ensure successful change implementations while minimizing the occurrence and severity of unexpected service issues and outages.

Major Change and the change management process allow for comprehensive documentation and tracking of existing and historical changes, often a requirement under corporate policies and certain government legislation.

Major Change follows the proven, industry-standard change management process through a simple and intuitive interface. The submittal, approval and completion of changes is managed and tracked entirely by Major Change. It also accommodates the external review and implementation processes, performed by your Change Advisory Board (or equivalent authority) and technical teams.

Major Change is customizable to suit your business needs:

  • Create multiple users, approvers and administrators – All users are kept up to date with email alerts when a request’s status is changed
  • Create multiple clients or subsidiary business units – Define logical partitions to match your business, each client/unit can be independently or globally managed and reviewed
  • Create projects and project sponsors – Ensure changes are assigned to the right resources, run reports against specific projects
  • Create a comprehensive list of nodes – Know exactly which devices, or groups of devices a change will be performed on
  • Create a detailed list of services and applications – Know what services or applications a change will affect and whether it will impact your users

Got Major Change?</