SQL Server Performance Analyzing

I’m starting to compile a list of SQL perforrmance tools:

SQL Server 2005 Performance Dashboard Reports

The reports tool can be downloaded at: https://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=1d3a4a0d-7e0c-4730-8204-e419218c1efc&displaylang=en

The only prerequisite is to have SQL2005 SP2 installed, no reboot required.

Once installed, from the Management Studio you need to execute setup.sql for each instance on the server. Setup.sql is located in: %Program Files%Microsoft SQL Server90ToolsPerformanceDashboard.

After the script execution you need to open performance_dashboard_main.rdl (available in the same directory) from Custom Reports (Right-click SERVERNAME > Reports > Custom Reports…).

SQLIO Disk Subsystem Benchmark Tool


SQL Server Health and History Tool (SQLH2)


SQL Server 2005 Best Practices Analyzer (January 2008)

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