Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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Why Good Hardware Doesn’t Ensure Good Networking and Communication

Given that you can’t have good technology without good technology, a lot of business owners and managers assume that having the best, top-of-the-line hardware naturally assures that their company will have great networking and communication. That’s not always the case, however, and even spending huge amounts of money on having the latest and greatest hardware, …

Read on–great in a pinch

Technorati: 8H833AZX68VQ Every once in a while I find myself at because its uber handy. Essentially, they have taken a number of popular applications and turned them into standalone applications (the “install” process simply creates a folder structure and an EXE to launch and doesn’t install to the registry, start menu, etc.). In other …

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3 Backup and Recovery Details That Are More Important Than You Think

A lot of small businesses, regardless of whether they’re working with an outside IT provider or not, fall into the trap of thinking that their simple data backup plan is sufficient, even when it’s not. This makes everyone feel better for a while, but once the information is actually needed, they’re in for a rude …

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Renaming the SharePoint 2010 Managed Metadata Database

For whatever reason, Microsoft doesn’t provide very clear instructions regarding renaming the Managed Metadata Service Application Database on TechNet. In fact, for a number of the service applications, they go into decent detail about the steps here, but then they wimp out on the Managed Metadata Service with this… And in that, they don’t mention …

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Sean’s Consulting Wisdom, Nuggets … or Perhaps Just Noise of the Day

While my attitudes and approaches to things sometimes change, here are a few things that I believe lead to a happy consultant, business and customer. Keep your inbox tidy (and your work life less cluttered and stressful). Emails should get one of the following actions: Acted on immediately, if it takes less than 5 minutes …

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Just get the (SharePoint) Enterprise CAL already

I’m often left more than a little surprised when I meet with a company implementing SharePoint 2010 Standard and the folks there will be under the impression that they don’t need or want the Enterprise CAL (Client Access License).  Not only that, but they seem hung up on an apparent ‘huge cost’ to it. I …

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A simple approach to writing a helpful technical blog post

I like to help out where I can. And I’m not going to pretend I invented the following method, though I did borrow it from a course I took about 8 years ago that had nothing to do with blogging or technical writing/sharing.  I actually spent a minute trying to google, er, bing where the …

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What every (reliable) server should have…

itgroove Recommendations from the Field The following are recommendations from itgroove for Server (virtual or physical plant) Best Practices. Customers may not always listen or have the budget, but it won’t stop us from trying to protect them… Redundant Power Supplies – protect yourself against a single point of failure UPS – (Uninterruptable Power Supply) …

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Robert has a blog!

My colleague Robert Dick has started a blog (maybe a little at my nagging). He has a lot of valuable experience that no doubt others will benefit from, so please head on over to The Beagle” and get ready to some learnin’ from the old pro. (really old… like, he can still vividly remember storming …

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Benefits of working with itgroove

We spent a little time this week putting together a list of what we believe are the benefits customers get, working with itgroove. You’ll notice we didn’t put things like we’re wicked smart” or “we’re great haxors”. We tried to compile a list of value we provide to a customer, based on our approach to …

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