Kelly LaForest

Microsoft Office 365 blog by a OneNote MVP.

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Copy Text From Picture versus Select Text from Image in OneNote

A fellow member of the Victoria Office 365 Users Group recently shared his excitement at discovering the Optical character recognition (OCR) functionality in Microsoft OneNote. He was particularly excited about the “Copy Text From Picture” function that gives you the ability to copy text from an image or screenshot you’ve pasted onto a Page. It just takes one right …

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How to Insert Multiple Links to Multiple Pages in OneNote

I use the Copy Link to Page every day to point my colleagues to various OneNote pages in our Corporate OneNote Notebooks. Here’s an example of what I’m talking about using one of my personal Notebooks that I use for storing recipes: Right click on the page you want to make a hyperlink to. Select …

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How to Draw a Straight Line in OneNote

I wanted to annotate a PDF to clearly point out the required revisions to a colleague. I usually use Snagit Editor as it has powerful annotation tools – there are varied options and the result is polished and precise. I find that my attempts to use the drawing tool in OneNote end up sloppy. It’s …

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The Dos and Don’ts of Naming OneNote Sections

Breaking best practices for file naming conventions has long been one of my pet peeves. And I see a lot of it – enough to throw my hands up in the air and scream: “ ? * \ / : < > | & X ” %“ ! So the other day while attempting to pair down my OneNote Notebook …

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Keyboard Shortcut to Clear Formatting in Microsoft Office

I love keyboard shortcuts! My top three favourite keyboard shortcuts that I use every single day and could not live without are: Ctrl + K Windows + S Windows + right arrow / left arrow I spent the majority of my workday toggling between Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Lync, and Microsoft SharePoint – but the one program I never shut down – even …

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Fixing Formatting of OneNote Quick Notes

I use Quick Notes in OneNote every single day via the Send to OneNote feature to jot down bits of information that I don’t want to misplace or accidentally close without saving (i.e. the great Notepad disaster of September 2013). Up until recently I thought there was no way to “convert” a Quick Note to a Page …

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Be Wary of Using Cut/Paste to Move Pages in Microsoft OneNote

I have discovered one potential issue for unschooled users who like to cut/paste pages instead of move/copy pages that could cause OneNote to not function as expected. Therefore I my best practices recommendation is to use the Move or Copy function instead of the Cut function whenever possible. Here’s why: You don’t have the option to …

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