Captain Hindsight – Cliff Notes for Coaching – Hands-on Practice

What I’ve learning (and wish I had known in hindsight) about being a good coach is:

Hands-On Practice:

Whenever possible train them in their own environment – at their desk looking at their computer screen, using their program, and applying the task to a real item on their to-do list.


This makes the action relevant to their day-to-day activities. When they think “I can actually use this to do my job!“, they will be eager to remember it.


If the coaching topic can’t be done on real data, use a dummy account, but make the scenario real for them. They have to give a shit.


For example: “Next week, when you are asked to add a new user to the Admin Centre, what is the first thing you’re going to need to do?”


Show them once, have them do the action at least twice to make it stick.

This is the third of five ‘captain hindsight’ blog posts about things I wish I knew when I started coaching. Click here to read the other four posts in the blog series.