Live Streaming Apps for Yammer

While searching for a definite answer about if a Desktop Notifier App for Macs exists for a client, I came across some folks discussing two neat Yammer apps for displaying Yammer content as a streaming feed.

(By the way – if the link above doesn’t work for you, then you’re not a member of the Office 365 IT Pro Yammer Network, get on it! It’s the spot to get advice and share best practices with thousands of Office 365 customers.)

Option 1 YamFall is a free Yammer Live Stream App – available for PC.

Option 2Streaming It Out Loud is a free/paid Yammer Live Stream App – available for both PC and Mac.

What: A live streaming feed of people’s Yammer posts – updating continuously in real time. This sounds like a similar idea to HootSuite, which is used for viewing a live stream of interactions across multiple social media channels or platforms (i.e several Twitter accounts, Facebook accounts, etc.).

Why I’m Interested: Streaming It Out Loud says you can “Customize streams with filters such as network, group, topic or person.”  If this App can be customized to stream new posts from multiple networks on one screen, this could be a huge time saver for those of us that are members of multiple networks.

To give you an idea, I am a member of 20 external Yammer networks that we use to communicate with clients. To see if there is anything new to read, you have to remember to click on the cog to expand the list of networks,  scroll through the list, and then click into each network one at a time to consume the new messages. If I don’t block time in my calendar to check other networks, I end up with dozens of unread posts every day that add up over time. (And I’ll stop you right there – receiving 25 daily (or weekly) summary emails in my Outlook inbox is not going to cut it – emails in my inbox give me stress – it’s #inboxzero or bust, baby!)

The point is 80% of new posts or replies are not directly relevant to me, but are still worth a quick glance over, so a stream could be a neat way to scan through the noise to spot the gems or trends. I will explore more and report back, unless anyone else has already given it a try and wants to share their 2 cents!