Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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SharePoint 2010 (and SQL) Antivirus Exclusions

Don’t mind me, I’m always seeking out these knowledge base articles in order to ensure my SharePoint environments run smoothly and to best practice. Part of that is making sure your Antivirus Software (whether it be Trend, Symantec, McAfee, etc.) plays nice. SharePoint Exclusions Take note of (BOTH) of the following sections: Folders that …

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SQL Permissions and such for SharePoint

Hey there, A colleague asked a good question today about SQL and SharePoint, so I thought I’d share the answer.   The question was… Why are there so many accounts under SQL Logins related to SharePoint and are these correct? (to paraphrase)     The answer is… SharePoint manages these permissions, so long as we …

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If you happen to be in the Yukon

  If you happen to be in the Yukon on January 19th, 2011… I’ve been invited to speak at the Yitis (Yukon Information Technology and Industry Society) for their Boost! New Ideas in Business and Technology conference.   Learn More Here:  

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InfoPath Forms Question

In case this serves you in the future… A customer asked the following today…     Sean, I am looking to create a new hire IT form on our Moss SharePoint site.  Currently, we have a library on our SharePoint 2003 site for the US. We are trying to push out our new hire computer setup …

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Fixing – The server block is not well formed

Ran into this the other day. The fix was easy but the cause was curious.   Error An error occurred during the processing of /corporate/CorporateDocuments/Forms/AllItems.aspx. The server block is not well formed.     The Reason While I’m sure a number of scenarios can create this situation, in my case it was a matter of …

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SharePoint HomePage Dashboard Suggestions

Somebody asked in the Microsoft forums today and I figured I would share my answer here in case it helped someone along the way. The Question Anyone have any thoughts on what kind of content is good for a corporate SharePoint portal home page? The following are some things I can things of: Company News …

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SharePoint MVP’s Expert Chat Wednesday AM

Come out and join an all-star cast of SharePoint MVP’s as they answer a firing line of questions.   Go to:   September 29, 20109:00 – 10:00 A.M. Pacific Time Q&A with the SharePoint MVP ExpertsDo you have tough technical questions regarding SharePoint for which you’re seeking answers? Do you want to tap into …

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